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Throughout a lifetime 75% of women will suffer from at least one vaginal infection, many suffer from repeat infections. Vaginitis increases risk of pregnancy complications, wound infections, as well as acquisition and transmission of many diseases and infections.The most common causes of vaginitis in symptomatic women are bacterial vaginosis (22-50%), vulvovaginal candidiasis (17-39%), trichomonas (4-35%), and 7-72% may have mixed or non-specific vaginitis.

This presentation covers vaginal anatomy, histology, innervation, transudate, causes of pH imbalance, and detailed explanation of the vaginal microbiome. 

Pathology, clinical diagnosis, diagnostic tests, treatment, treatment considerations, when to test, and when to treat are covered for in extreme detail. The presentation discusses the role of biofilm and recurrent BV/VVC, lactobacilli, biofilm disruptors, the brain-gut connection and explains the importance of ruling out systemic inflammation and pathologies. 

For those working to truly alleviate and eradicate the effects of vaginitis, the information presented in this lecture is priceless.

This course requires a payment for entry.

USD 299.00

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