
Are you a patient who has gone door to door (doctor to doctor) and is either confused due to different opinions or just not getting better. Wouldn’t you like to learn all about your condition so you can be an informed and educated consumer?
Are you a Women’s Health Provider who has completed your much-desired certification, gone through grueling hours of training, and is now treating patients on your own? And guess what, you feel flustered because of the lack of expected outcomes?
Are you simply a nerd wanting to learn all about the basics of medicine and its clinical applications?


Education empowers, unites, and equalizes...

At LearnGYN, you will learn to:

  • Identify the root causes.
  • Learn the practical physiology, hormonal, and biochemical basis of each condition.
  • Learn algorithmic and easy-to-use steps to fixing your or your patient’s condition.
  • Learn about a 360 deg holistic approach to each condition, not just the cookie cutter approaches you were taught in school!

These may seem like tall claims, but they are not! This platform has taken years in the making. Dr. Adeeti Gupta, a world-renowned, American board-certified OBGYN, sexual health, and functional medicine specialist, has assembled 25 years of knowledge amassed from her training in India, the UK, and the USA and created a one-stop platform to help all women learn about the ins and outs of their bodies and minds.

Dr. Gupta is now offering on-site preceptorships and a mentorship option for those who need guidance on complex GYN cases or need a supportive community to continue to grow and learn!

Her motto: I will stop learning when I die!


Every healthcare provider in Women's Health should listen to Dr. Gupta's educational seminars. Her lectures include highly complex topics such as fibroid management, PCOS, premature ovarian failure, etc and are filled with an abundance of information. Her presentations are thoughtfully curated so that listeners are learning and stay interested. This kind of learning is not as available anywhere else. - Tara RPA-C

Available courses

Ovarian masses are the most common type of adnexal masses. These masses are found in 8-35% of premenopausal and 3-17% of postmenopausal patients. This informative lecture covers types, causes, diagnosis, and management of adnexal masses in office settings.

The comprehensive presentation covers gynecologic and non-gynecologic causes of infectious, benign, and malignant ovarian and adnexal masses. The lecture walks you through the clinical presentation, evaluation, clinical exam, diagnostic evaluation, lab testing, treatment options, and information on when to refer to GYN oncology.

This presentation is important to any clinician providing care to those with adnexal concerns. It provides a succinct yet comprehensive overview of some of the most common conditions we see. The information in the lecture can help ease anxiety and boost confidence when it comes to diagnosing and managing adnexal masses and can be a great reference for future practice.

Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is abnormal bleeding from the uterus in the absence of pregnancy. AUB occurs in more than 50% of women over the course of their lifetime. This presentation offers a comprehensive overview and an algorithmic approach for the management of AUB.

The presentation provides a description and explanation of the PALM-COEIN tool, and offers definitions of bleeding (acute, chronic, normal, prolonged, heavy, light), further described based on age group. The presentation offers a comprehensive description and explanation of the causes of AUB, also further described by age group. History, evaluation, lab work, imaging (sonogram, MRI), pathology, and treatment planning with special considerations, are described i

Treatment options from least invasive to definitive, using shared decision making, are described for each age group and condition. The provided treatment options include explanations of criteria, potential side effects, efficacy, and potential outcomes. For example, surgical management options include appropriate uterus size and presenting conditions for surgery to be an appropriate recommendation. The lecture explains medical and surgical management options and includes contraindications and considerations for treatment options.

This lecture is an insightful resource that breaks down AUB into manageable sections. The recommendations and algorithms are straightforward and comprehensive. This lecture is an excellent resource for those who desire to manage AUB safely and effectively.

In any pregnancy of unknown location (PUL) it is imperative to evaluate and monitor for ectopic pregnancy. Because 6-20% of PULs will be ectopic, consider the pregnancy ectopic until proven otherwise. This lecture is important for clinician who wants to feel more comfortable and confident in managing early pregnancy, particularly PUL.

Endometriosis is a chronic condition in which endometrial-like tissue is present outside of the uterus. The condition presents significant quality of life and economic burdens. It accounts for at least 10% of GYN office visits and diagnosis is commonly delayed 6.5 years.

Nearly 50% of women suffer from urinary incontinence, the involuntary leakage of urine. Of the 50%, only 25-35% seek treatment. Thus, urinary incontinence is very common, under diagnosed, under treated, and socially stigmatized. This lecture will assist those attempting to lift the burden of these maladies.

This presentation explains stress, urge, mixed, and neurogenic urinary incontinence. The explanations include why these processes occur, in what stage of life they commonly occur, and how they are resolved with interventions ranging from lifestyle interventions, to medications and surgery.

This is a great lecture for anyone interested in a solid foundational understanding of urinary incontinence.

This presentation builds upon “Female incontinence part-1.” The presentation begins with screening questions to assist the clinician in establishing and determining presence and types of incontinence, the pathophysiology of urinary function and disorders of these processes is then described. The lecture offers in depth explanations of stress incontinence, detrusor overactivity, idiopathic sensory urgency, neurogenic bladder, interstitial cystitis, and urethral caruncle. 

The lecture details comprehensive treatment recommendations for first, second, and third line treatments for the aforementioned conditions.

Learning the information presented can help the practitioner feel more comfortable asking pointed urinary screening questions, and begin to have the ability to properly follow up the patient’s report through evaluation, treatment, and maintenance.

In the United States infertility affects 10% of women between the ages of 15 to 44, and 9% of men in the same age range. This presentation is a great primer and overview of infertility causes, evaluation, and treatment.

The presentation covers the causes of infertility, as well as evaluation through the initial and then follow up visits. The lecture offers easy to follow work-up plans for both clinicians and patients, and describes indications for REI referral.

The detailed presentation discusses the prerequisites, considerations, and use of clomid as well as providing a detailed clomid protocol. For ovarian reserve testing, the presentation provides logistical recommendations for each visit in both insured and self pay patients.

This presentation offers a comprehensive, concise, easy-to-follow overview for the diagnosis and management of infertility.

This presentation is an introduction to the importance of the currently evolving approach to health through integrative medicine. The presentation hinges on a root cause, a bio-socio-environmental approach to health and wellness. Conditions are identified, and treatments are individualized. The presentation describes what integrative medicine is, and it teaches the basics of the “body-mind” or “brain-vagina” axis.

The lecture breaks down the broad categories of endocrinology, nutrients, microbiology, biochemical processes, environmental influences, genetic predisposition and how they contribute to health. The presentation explains the causes and symptoms of hormonal imbalances in detail. The course clarifies the role of hormones and breast cancer risk, explains the types and effects of hormones in OCPs, and describes routes of hormone delivery used for contraception and hormonal replacement.

This presentation is the first of its kind and essential for those who desire a strong foundation in the hormonal care of the patients we serve.

Premenstrual symptoms are reported by up to 75% of women with regular menstrual cycles. Clinically significant PMS occurs in 20-30% of women and PMDD affects 2-8% of women.

This lecture describes how to define, diagnose, and manage both conditions.

The presentation reviews the normal relevant physiology and pathophysiology, discusses testing tools and interpretations, and covers pharmaceutical and complementary approaches for comprehensive symptom resolution. This detailed presentation reviews symptoms (somatic, behavioral, and other) and points out diagnostic differences between PMS and PMDD. The lecture describes differential diagnosis, covers theories of origin for both conditions, and provides descriptions and clinical considerations of multi-system involvement. 

Management and treatment are reviewed in detail. The benefits, limitations, and side effects of traditional medications, functional approaches, and adjunct therapies are described. Steps to management are then broken down into easy-to-follow visit schedules, including what to do at each visit and at what point in treatment the visit should be performed.

This is an important lecture for anyone who is managing women suffering with PMS or PMDD. This succinct but comprehensive overview allows the clinician to take the comprehensive approach that people deserve, more confidently. You will get many invaluable pearls that you will keep forever.

Throughout a lifetime 75% of women will suffer from at least one vaginal infection, many suffer from repeat infections. Vaginitis increases risk of pregnancy complications, wound infections, as well as acquisition and transmission of many diseases and infections.The most common causes of vaginitis in symptomatic women are bacterial vaginosis (22-50%), vulvovaginal candidiasis (17-39%), trichomonas (4-35%), and 7-72% may have mixed or non-specific vaginitis.

This presentation covers vaginal anatomy, histology, innervation, transudate, causes of pH imbalance, and detailed explanation of the vaginal microbiome. 

Pathology, clinical diagnosis, diagnostic tests, treatment, treatment considerations, when to test, and when to treat are covered for in extreme detail. The presentation discusses the role of biofilm and recurrent BV/VVC, lactobacilli, biofilm disruptors, the brain-gut connection and explains the importance of ruling out systemic inflammation and pathologies. 

For those working to truly alleviate and eradicate the effects of vaginitis, the information presented in this lecture is priceless.